For a number of reasons, women are less inclined to invest in real estate, but that doesn’t mean they don’t have the potential or ability to do so. Leading the way in bridging this gap is an amazing community called Real Estate Investor Goddesses, led by Monick Halm, a real estate investor and syndicator, educator and advocate for female real estate investors. She also happens to be Lisa Hylton’s first real estate coach! An indefatigable woman with a lot in her hands, Monick is on a mission to help a million women achieve financial freedom through real estate. And there is zero reason to think why she shouldn’t achieve that! Listen in to partake of the wisdom this goddess has accumulated throughout her divine journey in real estate.
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The Real Estate Investor Goddesses – Big Real Estate, Big Mission, Big Impact With Monick Halm
I am excited to have another amazing episode to bring to you. Before we get started, I want to remind you to please head over to my website, which is to learn more about my passive investing guide for passive investors, giving you all the information you need to confidently invest in your next passive investment. Without further ado, let’s get on with the show. Our guest for this episode is Monick Halm. Monick is the Founder of the Real Estate Investor Goddesses. She is an educator and advocate for female real estate investors and has a mission to help one million women achieve financial freedom through real estate. Monick herself is a real estate investor and syndicator and owns, together with her investors, over 1,300 rental units across six states. She’s also the number one bestselling author, podcast host, real estate strategy mentor, wife, mother of three amazing kids, and my first real estate coach, personally. Thank you, Monick, for coming on the show. I appreciate it.
Thanks for having me. I’m excited to be here.
This is coming full circle having Monick on my podcast because it’s been a journey. From the time that I met Monick to where I am in my journey, for sure the impact of meeting her and having her on my podcast is crazy. For the people who are reading this episode, you never know the impact you’re having on the lives of the people that you meet. With that, I want to ask, how did you get started investing in real estate?
First of all, I want to say I’m proud of you and where you’ve come. You started in my program and your growth has been phenomenal. I’m proud to have played any little part in that. I want to say that before I get into my story. You’re awesome. I started in real estate by accident because nobody ever taught me anything about real estate other than to buy your own home. I got the memo growing up. You do well in school, go to college and go to grad school. You become a doctor, lawyer, professor or engineer. You buy a house, put some money in a retirement account, and work until you’re 65. You get a gold watch and go golfing. Several years later, you die. That was the plan and that was success. I was dutiful. I followed that path. I went to law school and I became a lawyer. I was miserable but that’s a whole other conversation. The only thing I knew to do with real estate was to get a house.
I went to get a house, and this was in 2005 towards the top of the last bubble in Los Angeles. You lived in Los Angeles, so you know how expensive it is here. For anybody out there reading who lives in any other part of the country where a typical house is less than $100,000, you don’t understand the prices here. Even though I had a good salary making six figures as an attorney, a typical house and a typical neighborhood, nothing fancy like a place where you’re not going to have drive-by shootings, it’s upwards of $600,000 to $700,000 years ago. I couldn’t afford it by myself. A friend of mine who was in a similar boat suggested we buy a duplex together. The original plan was that we’d buy a property with two equal sides but instead of finding that, we fell in love with this old craftsman that had a larger downstairs unit.
It had a two-bedroom upstairs and it had a converted garage that was a unit. We each took a bedroom in the larger unit instead of having separate units. We ended up renting out the upstairs, our back house, and our basement. We were house hacking before I knew that was a thing. I became an accidental landlord. I was like, “This is great and there are tax advantages. It was awesome.” My husband had a duplex and we got a single-family house together. After the crash of 2008, we ended up selling one of the properties and we started flipping. Eventually, we got into syndication where you group some investors together. That’s where we are now.
Live where you want to live and invest where the numbers make sense. Share on XCan you talk about the early lessons from your real estate experiences in the beginning and how they’ve impacted your journey going forward?
There was so much I did not know because I fell into it. Hindsight is 20/20. There are many things I would do differently if I knew but I didn’t know what I didn’t know. It was a good strategy that we ended up getting this multi-unit and renting it out but as we kept going, the first thing if I had known differently, I wouldn’t have kept investing in Los Angeles. I would have looked at other markets, but I didn’t know that. It wasn’t until 2015 when I met one of the men who had become my mentors, Robert Helms, who told me, “It was a tough market. I always say live where you want to live and invest where the numbers make sense.” I went, “That’s a thing?”
I always thought you had to drive to your property and touch it. It didn’t occur to me that there was a different way. When he said that, it opened up the world to me. When I started going and looking at other markets and seeing the prices on other markets, I went, “Oh, my gosh.” You don’t cashflow in LA. It’s hard to find properties that have a return. I would have been a lot further off if I’d known that. The only way I knew how to finance properties is I knew you can get a conventional mortgage, which was fine when I was a lawyer. When I stopped being a lawyer and I was self-employed, it became way more difficult, especially after 2008 when they restricted non-W-2s and their ability to get loans. I only knew that or paying all cash. Those are the only things I knew.
Before that, we had some loans. When I became self-employed, I couldn’t get a loan so all we knew is to do all cash. We were buying everything all cash and we had no leverage. We could have gotten a lot further if we knew that there were other ways. We didn’t know about hard money lenders, private money lenders, or seller financing. I didn’t know any of that stuff. I learned flipping from watching HGTV and I was like, “That looks fun. I’m sure I’m at least as smart as those people. Let’s do it.” That was how we got in and it was not a good strategy. I did get a book. The more I educated myself, the more I learned what I didn’t know and I went, “Got it.” I would have been a lot further along. Luckily, knock on wood, I haven’t lost money yet, but I would have been much further along if I had known then what I know now.
Can you talk about how you play in real estate these days?
In that same conversation with Robert Helms where he taught me that I don’t have to invest where I live. At that time, I was looking for a fourplex. I was only thinking about what I could either get a loan for or I could pay all cash with our own money. I was looking for a fourplex in LA, which was exceedingly expensive. He said, “You could do that fourplex to eliminate your own capital and credit. Alternatively, you could bring a group of investors together and you could get 100 or 200 units.” He then started telling me about the benefits of that. My mind was completely blown. At that point, it was on the floor. I was like, “That’s a thing?” I had no idea that that was a thing and regular people could do that. I went, “I want to learn how to do that. That sounds fun.” That’s what we started doing.
I met him in late 2015. In 2016, we started syndicating. Essentially, crowdfunding real estate. We bring groups of investors together to purchase multifamily, industrial projects, and larger commercial projects. We have a portfolio of single-family homes and a mobile home park. We have a variety of different assets in a variety of states. What we mostly do is we are more on the fundraising side or more on the investor side, and we partner with operators that are more on the ground finding the deals and running the majority of the deal. That allows us to be broader and to have more diversification. It allows me to play. I mostly like to play, which is dealing with investors, planning, looking strategically top-level but not being in the weeds.

Real Estate Investor Goddesses: Hindsight is 20/20.
As someone who’s reading, they might think this is interesting. What advice do you give to someone who’s thinking that they would like to invest in deals like this? What are some of the things that they should do to prepare themselves or to understand in order to make that first investment?
There are two sides to these deals. On the one side, there’s the passive investor. On the other side is the active investor. Those things are different. I’m bringing in crowdfunding real estate. Essentially, bringing in a group of people. The crowd, the passive investors, have to vet the deal, put money into the deal, and then wait for the money to come back with funds. It’s great. I’m a passive investor in quite a few deals. I love being a passive investor because I definitely make better returns than I did in investing in LA. We have these economies of scale and we’re in markets that are cashflowing, so you can have great returns as a passive.
For people who are interested in passively investing and getting double-digit returns in these types of investments, then there are three things you have to do. The first thing you have to do is get into a relationship with people who have these types of opportunities. For the most part, most of these deals are securities. They are regulated. It’s not just anybody that can go and offer these types of opportunities to people. It’s regulated. How and under what exceptions, I won’t go into all of the details about that. The important thing is to know that for the most part, you have to have a substantial pre-existing relationship with one of the people putting this deal out.
You have to get into relationships with people. You can get into a relationship with Lisa and you can get into a relationship with me through my website and my Investor Club. You get into relationships so that you are entitled to find out about these opportunities because generally, we cannot advertise them. If we advertise them, we’re running afoul of the law. You have to know a syndicator, so that’s the first thing. Not everybody is doing it so it’s hard to know. I had never heard of this thing until 2015. When I found out about it, I was like, “How come I never knew about this before? This is amazing.” A hard part of my mission is to help women find out about this.
When I first started, I’d go in the room and 90% plus of the people in syndications were men, 90% plus of investors were men, 90% plus of the investors in the deals that were passively investing were men. Now it’s gotten to the point where 90% of the investors in my deals are women because I’m focused on getting women finding out about these opportunities and getting into the game. You have to know the syndicator, so that’s the first thing, and then make sure that there’s somebody that is trustworthy and worthy of receiving and being able to be a steward of your money. You want to look at the team, vet the team, and make sure they’re fit.
You want to know what your goals are for investing so that you make sure that you’re investing in opportunities that fit those goals. Depending on if you want a cashflow deal and you want to be able to retire from your job and have passive income streams that will replace your working income, but then there’s an opportunity. It’s a development project that’s not going to pay for 5 to 10 years, then that’s not a good fit for you. If you’re using retirement funds and you don’t need the money for 20 to 30 years, then that could be a perfect opportunity. It depends on what your goals are so you want to make sure you know what that is.
Success is 20% strategy and 80% psychology. Share on XA good sponsor will ask you and try to find out so they can help support you with your investments. You’ll want to make sure that what the opportunity does is a fit for your goals. That’s looking at the opportunities. You want to look at the team and the opportunities that fit your goals. After that, you want to look at the actual and be able to vet the deal. The market is more important than the property, but be able to vet the team, the market, and then the actual business plan and the property. That’s what you want to be able to do as a passive investor. Once you can do that, you put in your money, and that’s it. It’s good. You wait for it to come back.
On the active side, if you want to be the one to put together these types of deals and you want to syndicate, either way, there’s education that needs to happen, but there’s definitely a lot more education because you would want to make sure that you’re following the laws and the regulations. You are the one that is going to be more on the management side of the deal, so you need to understand it. You want to put together a great team and have securities attorneys that are helping support you so that you’re doing everything right or else, you could find yourself with some pre-housing and new clothing in the form of an orange jumpsuit or big hefty fines. You’re more likely to get expensive fines and jail time, but not impossible.
You want to make sure that you know what you’re doing and you have the right guidance and support so that you are following the laws and you’re able to take good care of the money that is entrusted to you. Your level of care for other people’s money should be exponentially more than your own. I would take as best care of my own money as possible, but the money that other people give me, I’m here and it’s there. I don’t want to lose anybody’s money, the certain things that are out of your control, but you want to be able to take exceedingly good care of the people who are trusting in you.
You touched on 90% of your investors in your deals these days are women and in the bio that I introduced you, we also talked about you having a mission to help one million women achieve financial freedom through real estate. That brings me to your business and why you decided on this mission.
I didn’t so much decide it as it decided me. It came as this divine download. It was the beginning of 2016 after that first Friday to Saturday syndication seminar. I remember Sunday morning, I was in the hotel on the elliptical machine processing the weekend and I’ve been talking about if you want to build your brand and build your network, think about who you would work with. As I was mentally scanning that room in my head, I’m going, “In 120 people, there are maybe eight women. There are no women here.” In between being a lawyer and doing what I do, I had become an abundance coach for women.
I was already working with women around money. It came as this, “You’re going to work with women. Is this how you build wealth in this country and the world? Is this the best way to build wealth? Women are not here. Women are perfect for this and they don’t know about this. That’s what you’re going to do.” It just came. Not the how of it but the what. The name and the book I would write, it came and I didn’t know how. I’m still figuring out the how of it. I’m taking that elephant one bite at a time. That idea came to me and I felt like this is what I meant to do so I said yes.
One of the things that I have personally loved about your program is the masterminds and the coaching and how these aspects of the program have helped me in my life. I’m curious about when you were getting ready to put together the mastermind and the coaching aspects. Your view, insight, or inspiration behind choosing to put these offerings out there because you could just offer investment opportunities. Not only are you offering investment opportunities, but you’re also offering this other aspect of mastermind and the importance of it.

Real Estate Investor Goddesses: You want to know what your goals are for investing so that you make sure that you’re investing in opportunities that fit those goals.
I’ve been a student of personal development since I was eighteen and I’ve always been obsessed with what I can do to my own success, and then I’ve always wanted to help others as well. One of the things I’ve learned throughout the time is that success is 20% strategy and 80% psychology. It’s something I’ve learned from Tony Robbins. I was seeing that people who had the exact same resources and people who were even more able to be successful in terms of resources were doing nothing. They were not taking action. In other real estate education programs I was in, we’re not focused on personal development. They were just focused on the nuts and bolts of real estate investing.
I was looking around and I was like, “Why is that guy not doing anything? He was way more able to do things than we were.” In our first year, we got over 1,000 doors. I know it was these other things that I teach that made that difference. Especially for women, we’re different so I focused on a lot of, how do you do this in the feminine way? Because they’re tapping into our intuition, pleasure, sisterhood, and these other aspects and the mindset and moving past the fears. I put a lot of focus into that because I want the women in our group to be able to take action. I want them to do the work or allow in. You have to get past those limiting beliefs and you have to have that supportive structure.
You have to have these frameworks and it’s not a one and done. It’s a continuous reminder. You have to be almost continuously reminded of what’s true for you and what’s possible for you so that you can go and you can take action and be successful. That’s why I put that in there and I have such a big focus in my program on that piece. I would go in and I was like, “We’re not talking about real estate.” They’re like, “Why?” I was like, “You’ll get to the real estate stuff, too but if we can’t get you past the fear, the paralysis, or limiting beliefs, you’re just going to get stuck.” That’s why we focus to keep you moving.
It’s important in terms of continuing to grow and that sisterhood and support are completely invaluable. At this point, is there anything else that I may have not asked, but you think would be beneficial to share with my audience?
I’m not sure if I’ve highlighted this, but the importance of education in real estate. There are a couple of reasons. First is if you’re not knowing what to do, you will make mistakes because it is the most expensive thing you will buy. Those real estate mistakes are expensive so you want to avoid those as much as possible. I heard this in a call with Sharon Lechter who helped write Rich Dad Poor Dad and a bunch of other books. She said, “A smart person learns from their own mistakes. A genius learns from other people’s mistakes.” You want to be able to tap into education. You want to learn from somebody who’s doing it and be able to learn from them so that you can avoid those mistakes and learn from their mistakes.
Another part of that is also learning what you don’t even know was possible. This is how I felt when I learned about syndication. There are many other things that the more I’ve gotten into real estate investing, the more I realized there are many different ways in which you can play in this game, can make a lot of money, and do good. Every time I learn, I was like, “You can be the bank? You can invest in those? That’s fascinating. I didn’t know that. I didn’t think about the BRRRR Method.” All of these different things, the more I learned, I was like, “That’s a great way to do things.”
Real estate investing is not one-size-fits-all. You have to find what the best fit is for you. Share on XNot everything is necessarily a fit for me because real estate investing is not one size fits all. You don’t know what you don’t know. Most people, if they know a little bit about wholesaling, then they think they have to wholesale and then they have to flip. They can get a single-family house and then maybe a 2 to 4-unit. They have this limited lane that they can go through. That’s how I had it because I didn’t know better. Through education, you learn. Education is crucial and having mentors that can show you the way because they’ve been there and they can say, “I’ve been through this. Here’s how you do it.”
On that point, can you share with the audience about how the impact of mentorship has been on your business journey and your investing journey?
Since 2016, I probably invested well over $250,000 in my education and mentors. I don’t think everybody necessarily needs to invest that much, but I need to continue to grow so I can bring it back to my goddesses. I’m like, “I have to learn more so I can take what I learned so I can help them and they can move.” I invest a lot in that so I can bring it back. I feel like every dollar I’ve invested in my growth and in mentorship, I’ve gotten back exponentially at least 10x easily. Warren Buffett says, “The best investment you can make is an investment in yourself.” Jim Rohn said, “Formal education will make you a living. Self-education will make you a fortune.” That’s true. That’s definitely made such a big difference for me and helped me to know the quantum leap.
At this point, I am at my level of questions. These are the questions I ask all of my guests on my show. The first one is, what are you grateful for in your life?
There’s so much. I am grateful for the love of my family and friends. I felt loved and supported. I’m grateful that I love being with my family at home. I find a lot of other people that are not enjoying being home. I love being here and I love my people. That’s what I’m grateful for.
I wanted to take a little detour from my next question because I thought about one more thing that I wanted to ask you, which was the environment. We’re dealing with COVID and all this pandemic stuff, and the impact that it’s had on the real estate investing space. What advice would you give for people as they’re thinking about continuing to invest in real estate? No one has a crystal ball, but your thoughts as investors look at the outlook of investing.
I did a summit in April 2020, which is on the strategies and psychology to be successful in this new economy. There is going to be more opportunity than ever before. This is a great time to be a real estate investor because properties are going to go on sale. Not all things though are going to be good investments. There are certain things that maybe years ago look like they’d be a great investment. Certain industries are hard hit by COVID and it’s going to take them a while to recover. I teach about how to find markets that make sense and one of the main factors is you want a diverse, robust local economy. You want multiple industries in that market and you’re going to see that more than ever.

Real Estate Investor Goddesses: Remind yourself continuously of what’s true for you and what’s possible for you so that you can take action and be successful.
Las Vegas looks like a good market years ago. They’re getting a new stadium for a football team company that is still happening. There are a lot of conventions, trips, and all of that stuff. For the most part, Las Vegas is about hospitality and entertainment. Those are two that’s not diverse in terms of the industries that are there. Because of that, those two industries are devastated because they both require large masses of people coming together and that’s not happening. It’s going to take a while for Las Vegas to be back. We don’t know what the long-term effects are.
Are people going to come back in the same way? People will want to reconnect and be together again, but how is the impact of what’s happened going to affect future behavior? We’re not sure. Places like that or Orlando that are tourist-heavy, they might be more impacted than some other markets. You want to look at how things shake out. It’s going to probably take some time after things open up and when you’re going to have a much better sense of where the best investments are. You’re going to start seeing the crisis reflected in the prices of things being offered. If their prices are still high, they haven’t gone down yet, but they will. I don’t have a crystal ball, but prices will be going down and there will be opportunities.
There’s definitely a lot of patience there and continuing to keep an eye on the market so that you’re aware.
There will be a few opportunities, but there will be lots of opportunities.
Back to my second question, what has attributed to your success and continuous growth?
My continued investing in my own personal and professional growth. I’m always taking my resources of time and money to learn to get better, improve my skills, learn those strategies, and also work on my psychology. That is a huge reason for my success.
The goal is not to trade your time for money, but to make money work for you. Share on XThis made me think of another question that I wanted to bring out because I went with you to Belize for your Real Estate Investor Soulmates Retreat. I’m sure some of my readers have spouses and they’re investing in real estate. On that last question, when we’re talking about the different types of investing in different areas and stuff like that, can you talk about investing with your spouse? The next part of that is building a business with your spouse because they’re both a little bit different, but similar. If you could share about that too.
They are similar because investing is a business. Even if you have a day job and this is something you do on the side, you want to think about it as a business because it is and act accordingly. The Real Estate Investor Soulmates was about, how do you invest with your partner and use that process of investing together, not just to build your income, but also to build your intimacy and increase your wealth and love? I invest and I work with my husband, Peter. He’s my business partner. I had the LOVE formula. L has to do with language, so being understanding. If you remember, we looked at what are the different languages people speak. Not just the love languages, which is if you have gifts, but the codes, blueprint, and action. People make decisions differently. We have these built-in paradigms that we go by and almost speak different languages. It’s all English, but we’re interpreting life completely differently.
You want to learn what’s your partner’s code so that you can decipher what they’re saying and understand what is driving them and vice versa. When you learn that, you get this deep understanding. You can get each other in a different way, work together, and take advantage of each other’s strengths. There are four main codes and each one has certain strengths and weaknesses, but you want to learn what they are so you can speak each other’s language. O has to do with orgasm and being able to use that energy. We could have a whole episode on that, so we’re going to talk about that. V has to do with your vision and values. It’s making sure that you have a common vision and values and you’re moving in that direction. You want to have separate roles so you’re not both doing the same job.
You’re each in the lane that makes the best use of your individual skills and talents but you’re going in the same direction because you had the same mission, vision, and values. E has to do with your environment. Setting up your environment so that it is supportive of you and that has to do with the people that you’re around in terms of your environment because your associates make such a big difference in terms of what you ultimately accomplish. Also, the physical environment. I have studied and I have taught feng shui about, how do you set up an environment that will add in more ease and flow and help propel you forward? That was the LOVE formula that we talked about in the retreat.
The last question is, what do you now know that you wish you knew at the beginning of your journey?
There’s so much. I wish I’d, in general, known the value of investing in real estate. I wish I’d known that the goal is not to trade your time for money or to get as much money per hour, which is what I thought it was. The goal is to get your money working for you, so you don’t have to work for your money at all but that’s not what I was taught. I was taught to get the best job you can but trading time for money. That’s what I wish I’d known at the beginning and that real estate was the best path to get to that.
Thank you, Monick, for coming on. I appreciate it. If my guests would love to know more about you and find more about the Real Estate Investor Goddesses, what’s the best place they can go to learn more?

Real Estate Investor Goddesses: Investing is a business. Even if you have a day job and this is something you do on the side, you have to think about it as a business and act accordingly.
Go to our That’s our website. Get connected to all the things and also we’re @REIGoddesses on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. Guys, the Real Estate Investor Goddesses might be a bit pink and feminine for you. If you are interested in investing, go to and get connected with us there.
Thank you for coming on. I appreciate it, Monick.
Thanks for having me, Lisa.
Thank you, Monick, for coming on the show. I appreciate it. I would not have this show if I had not met Monick. Her influence and her support and the environment that she has created with the Real Estate Investor Goddesses have continued to support me in all of my investing endeavors, so I truly appreciate it. After meeting her, it’s almost like a game-changer and a complete level up in terms of mindset, investing strategy, and the whole nine yards. I highly recommend it if you haven’t checked out the Real Estate Investor Goddesses, definitely do so. It’s an awesome community and environment. I can’t recommend it enough.
Some of my key takeaways from this particular episode. The first time was when she was talking about the advice for passive investors looking to invest passively into deals. A couple of things were the team and building those relationships with the sponsors and with people with those opportunities. You’re reading this podcast and you’re meeting sponsors through this podcast, which is awesome. The next step is reaching out to the ones that you resonate with. That’s the reason why there are many different people in the world because you’re not going to resonate with everyone, and that’s okay.
You reach out to the people that you resonate with and learn more about their investments, offerings, values, mission, and what they stand for. Ultimately, to determine who you want to invest with. Connected to that, the second thing was the goals. Time and time again, it’s important for you to remember to understand why it is that you are investing. Get super clear on that because then you’ll pick deals based on that. Lastly was vetting the deal. She noted that the market is greater than the property. Meaning that the market matters so you want to make sure that you’re picking a good market. It has those strong fundamentals, job growth, population growth, and all that good stuff.
The next key item was investing with your spouse. I loved having this conversation with her. One was that she talked about the language. Understanding where your spouse is coming from and get curious about why they might have the particular stance that they have. Orgasm, need I say anymore? Vision and values, I like having those separate roles so you’re not duplicating efforts and you respect. You’re swimming in your lane so to speak. Lastly, having that supportive environment and being around like-minded people and people who support you and encourage you to keep moving forward in all your endeavors. That physical space, the feng shui, and all that good stuff as well. Regarding COVID-19, when we spoke about continuing to invest, she noted that you want to be looking at markets that have that diversity in terms of industry.
The groundwork of population growth, income growth, and all that great stuff, but you want to make sure that there’s also diversity in terms of the types of industry that that particular market has. It’s super important as we move deeper into this particular cycle that we are in. It’s another amazing episode. I’m grateful to have Monick in my life and to have her on this episode to share her thoughts. There are lots of gems for you. I hope you felt inspired by this episode and to take action. Head over to my website,, and check out more information about investing passively and investments, as well as get connected with me to learn more about opportunities to invest in deals in the future. Until next time. Keep leveling up. Take care.
Important Links:
- Real Estate Investor Goddesses
- Robert Helms
- Investor Club
- Rich Dad Poor Dad
- @REIGoddesses – Instagram
- Facebook – Real Estate Investor Goddesses
- Twitter – Real Estate Investor Goddesses
About Monick Halm
Monick Halm is an expert, educator and advocate for women real estate investors, with a personal mission to help 1 million women create financial freedom through real estate.
She is herself a real estate investor, syndicator, and developer with over 15 years of real estate investing experience in single-family rentals, multi-family residential, mobile home parks, and flipping. Her current investment focus is on syndicating under-performing residential multi-family apartment buildings and mobile home parks. She delights in adding value for her investors and tenants through improved management and the targeted remodeling and rehabbing of properties. Together with her investors, she owns over 1300 rental doors.
She is also the founder of Real Estate Investor Goddesses, an online community and educational platform for women real estate investors. She is the #1 bestselling author of The Real Estate Investor Goddesses Handbook and the host of the Real Estate Investor Goddesses Podcast.
Prior to becoming a real estate investor, Monick Halm practiced corporate litigation at Morrison & Foerster, LLP and Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher, LLP in Los Angeles. She earned her Juris Doctorate degree from Columbia Law School in New York. She is also a certified interior designer, feng shui expert, #1 bestselling author, keynote speaker, certified NLP and Money Mastery coach, and former co-owner and Chief Creative Officer of the Checklist Parent, mobile app and parent community. She is passionate about real estate, design, and helping women to thrive.
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